Debut at the show

Club show and our debut at the show - STORM EAGLE Gep's Big Bear's and us. Junior class, very good, 4th place out of 9. Judge of Norway Mr. Per Kr Andersen gave a description: "Very good typey, good proportions, very feminine, proprtional head, correct bite and mask, good movement, good tempera…

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A months has passed

STORM EAGLE Gep's Big Bear's at home called "Sparta" is already 1 months with ua and everyday she surprises us with her character and temperament.

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Our first leonberger.

I came from Sweden today with our fisrt leonberger - STORM EAGLE Gep's Big Bear's after BELLEZZA ITALIANA Gep's Big Bear's and magnificent father PEACE Gep's Big Bear's ". There was no end of joy in the house.

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